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Current Project

Project Status: In Production

Men & Masculinity in Limerick

(This project is open to queer, straight and transgender men of all ages, races, ethnicities, and religious and political beliefs).

A documentary photo series that aims to take a deeper dive into the idea of masculinity in Limerick from the man’s perspective.
Personal and societal views/norms, role models and masculine relationships, rebelling and what that means, identity, etc. 

The aim is to try and have a collective, open, and supportive conversation that may hopefully allow us to build in a positive way.

After various conversations with friends and knowing Limerick’s past and present hardships with the public’s, but for this project specifically, men’s mental health, I decided to try and understand the views, ideals, and hopes for men in Limerick in regards to masculinity. It’s positives and negatives.

**If you are interested in taking part in this project and wish to know more about the finer details, please fill in the Contact Form with a little information about yourself and why you would like to take part.

There are no wrong reasons. This is an open and collaborative project.**

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